We are on stolen land. We cannot speak of Reconciliation without the essential step of LANDBACK.
We need to dismantle white supremacy that perpetrates and perpetuates violence on Black, Indigenous and Racialized bodies.
We need to acknowledge and learn about Systemic Oppression and Racism so that we can eradicate them from all of our systems.
We recognize the deep damage that colonialism has caused, is causing, and will continue to cause until we establish models of care, safety, and well being that centre the voices and ways of being and knowing of Black, Indigenous and Radicalized humans.
We fully embrace the Principles of Disability Justice and acknowledge it being essential to resistance, recovery, and justice.
On November 10th, 2018, thirty community members and partners met (on one of the worst winter weather days of the year!) to share the successes and challenges of the coalition and to re-imagine the values of our collective work together. It was a amazing day full of reflection and creativity with the community voice at the centre. A Values Team was assembled to take the work that had been accomplished and to refine and expand on it.
Helen and MichaelLiz and EmmaMaryann and the crowd : )Here is our beautiful Values poster!