Onward Willow wins the Seedling Prize from The Oaktree Project
July 12, 2019
Each Neighbourhood Group offers unique programs and services that are developed by the neighbourhood with the help of the GNSC. Click on your Group to see what programs and services are currently being offered, or visit the Events Calendar to see what’s coming up.
Brant Collective Kitchen Cost is $4 per one serving of all 4 dishes. Child care and subsidy are available. Please call The Friendship Place to register.
Coffee Hour Join us for good coffee and great conversation in the Community Room at Brant Avenue Public School every Friday from 9:30 – 10:30 am.
Zumba Brant Tuesday Night Zumba! Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30 Get into the groove with Val, Kathy and other neighbours in Brant School Gym! Move to the beat of Latin and other international music at this free, fun, weekly get fit drop-in program. All ages and abilities welcome, including families – parents are responsible for supervising their children. For information – contact Peggy at 519-821-6638 ext. 367.
Morning Meal Program The Neighbourhood Group is offering extra school snacks for school age children JK – grade 12. Families are able to access the snack program twice monthly on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday between 1 and 3pm. School snacks include fresh fruits and vegetables, yogurt, cheese and grain products. Please call or drop by for more information.
Parent Outreach Worker Do you have children or are you a care giver to children between the ages of 0- 18 years? Are you looking for support for your family? Katie, the Parent Outreach Worker may be able to assist you with support or referrals in the community such as food, housing, parenting, child behaviour, health and many others. If you have any questions, you can come and see her at Friendship Place or contact her at (519) 362-6362.
Yoga Yoga is a relaxing way to slide into the evening it includes breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation. Come join us from 6:15 – 7:15 pm in the gym at the Brant Avenue Public School.
The Garden Fresh Box Program: In collaboration with the Guelph Community Health Centre (GCHC), we are proud to offer affordable, local produce to the downtown community. For only $17 (small box) or $20 (large box), you can purchase a variety of produce and fruits each month. Pick-up location is GCHC, a central and accessible downtown space. Please bring your own bag, as boxes stay behind. For more details on how you can join, please email us: guelphdna@gmail.com or visit the GCHC website to learn more: http://www.guelphchc.ca/pages/healthy-living/food-health/garden-fresh-box
Project Neutral: This household carbon-reduction program allows households to benchmark and compare their carbon footprint to other households at the neighbourhood and city-level, and to municipal reduction targets. Guelph is the first city outside of Toronto to get involved, and the DNA is actively working with EMERGE Guelph to make this happen. If you would like to get involved in Project Neutral, please visit the website: http://www.projectneutral.org
Community Garden: Do you live downtown? Are interested in growing your own food from spring to fall but lack outdoor space to make this happen? The downtown community garden provides a sunny, accessible space for you to grow fruits, veggies, flowers, and herbs. Each plot is 4 x 8 feet and costs only $40 for the season. There are 12 plots available each season. If you’d like to inquire about a plot, please email: guelphdna@gmail.com to get on the waiting list. Spaces are currently available.
Kids Pick Up Soccer in the Park: Join the EPNG every Sunday at 1pm for soccer in the park.
Free Fruit & Vegetable Market: The North End Market every Wednesday from 6-8pm at Waverly Public School. It’s a FREE fruit and vegetable market and its on bus routes from Grange Hill East! All you need to bring is yourself & bags for all the delicious food! Each family can access the market every other week.
Garden Fresh Box: The Garden Fresh Box Program is a volunteer-driven, non-profit produce buying program that provides customers with affordable fresh fruits and vegetables and supports our local farmers. Everyone is welcome to participate in the program. Typical boxes contain 9-14 vegetables, 2-5 types of fruit $20/large box, $15/small. Orders must be in the first Friday of every month. Please contact the office (519-836-9427 or info@gheng.ca) for more information on how to order in the Grange Hill East Neighbourhood.
Food Cupboard & Free Shelf: Emergency Food Cupboard: Located at 470 Auden Road (Corner of Eastview & Auden Rd.) community room. We are open Wednesdays 6:30pm – 7:30pm with our Neighbour Support Worker available if you need to be connected to any resources, and on Saturday mornings 9am–10am. We provide food, hygiene and other specialty items. Free Shelf: Located both at 470 Auden (cart) during Food Cupboard hours and at Ken Danby community room, during office hours. Please let us know what you need 🙂 519-836-9427.
Community Garden: Start a 10 mile diet in your neighbourhood! Grow your own fresh vegetables in Peter Misersky Park. Tools, gardening advice and community spirit provided! For $25.00 you get: Personal garden plot (10′ by 10′), Use of garden tools, Use of water, Garden advice * If cost is a barrier, subsidies are available. For more information contact: grangehillgarden@gmail.com / 519-836-9427
Parent-Child Place: Every Tuesday, 9:30 – 11:30am in the Ken Danby PS community room. Looking for a place to spend some time with your child? At Parent Child Place you’ll experience an interactive hands on program that includes free play, creative activities, circle time with songs and stories. Learn more at http://www.gheng.ca/programs/pre-school/parent-child-place/
Mocha Mornings: When: Thursdays 10-11:30am Where: Community Room – Ken Danby Public School (525 Grange Rd.) This is a program for parents and caregivers of preschool aged children to come connect over tea/coffee while their children make new friends and play! Come and join us every Thursday! Everyone is welcome!
Caregivers’ Playgroup: When: Fridays 9am-11am Where: Community Room – Ken Danby PS (525 Grange Rd.) Come every Friday for playtime, snack, crafts and circle time. Free of charge. Open to all home childcare providers and children.
REACH: Come to the Gym at Ken Danby PS (525 Grange Rd.) to connect with others in your neighbourhood and have some fun! Enjoy sports including basketball, soccer and ping pong and tonnes of other games. Some nights will take place off-site! REACH Co-ed (8-12 years) – Every Wednesday 6-7:15pm, REACH Boys (13-17 years) – Every Wednesday 7:30-8:45pm. This program is FREE. Snack included. Please enter through Community Room doors!
Girls Reaching their Inner Potential (GRIP): Come on out and meet other girls from your community! All girls are welcome to come to our safe space to gain positive role modelling, community connections, new friends and have lots of fun. GRIP (9-13 years): Every Tuesday 6-7:30pm Location: Community Room – Ken Danby PS (525 Grange Rd) Join us for crafts, games, guest speakers and great discussion in the GHENG Community Room! Snack included.
Summer Basketball: Thursday evenings from June to August there will pick-up community basketball for adults and high school students at 8pm at the courts behind FAH public school. Bring a ball if you have one. Come out and have fun!
Two Sisters River Weekly Wednesday Potluck: There will be a weekly community potluck at 47 Meadowview Ave every Wednesday starting this week. They will run from 4 – 8. The road will be closed and there is an opportunity to come and meet great people, run a meeting, let people know about an idea, sell something, sing a song, tell a story, share something, eat great food, be together. This is an offering of space for the community to create whatever we want to. Come and join us. Bring a dish to share. Bring plates and cutlery. Kids are very welcome.
Garden Fresh Box: This non-profit produce buying program; provides customers with affordable fresh fruits and vegetables; supports our local farmers; box changes with ontario’s growing season, but runs 12 months of the year; we include as much locally grown produce, optimal taste, freshness and nutrition; monthly newsletter offers recipes and cooking tips to help you prepare meals; everyone is welcome to participate in the program; typical boxes contains 9-14 vegetables/2-5 types of fruit; Large Boxes $20 and Small Boxes $15
How it works:
– Order from KHNG convenient for you or another host site
– Order and pay for your box by 5:30pm the 1st Tuesday of each month
– Pick up your Garden Fresh Box on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from your host site
– Bring your own reusable bags to take your fresh box items home
– remember to order and pay for your next months box
– Enjoy your fresh fruits and veggie box!!
Contact khng@bellnet.ca today to order your Garden Fresh Box!!
Kortright After School Programs (KASP): KHNG is currently running an afterschool program Monday to Thursday. Register your children for a fun-filled 2 hours consisting of snack, themed educational activities, active games, free play in the school gym or outside (weather permitting)! KASP sessions run Mon – Thurs from 3:20 – 5:30. The program will be cancelled on any day that Kortright HIlls Public School is CLOSED for any reason. As long as the school is open, KASP sessions will run. Bus cancellations do not affect the KASP program. Should your child miss a session due to illness, inclement weather or other reasons, refunds will NOT be issued. In the event of emergency, please call the KASP staff at 519-993-5264 (cell phone).
Photography Club: Interested in digital photography? Monthly meetings are the first Monday of each month, 7-9 pm. If interested Contact Gregg Parsons for more details: 519-824-6107. NOTE: next meeting September 7, 2015 at 7:00 pm, enjoy your summer
Visit the North Riverside (Waverly) Neighbourhood Group Facebook page to learn about programs and services.
The Onward Willow Centre, located at 15 Willow Road, Unit K45, Guelph, Ontario offers a number of services, including:
Adult DIY Crafts/Coffee Hour: Wednesdays 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. in the WECC Hastings Room. Come out to this creative program where you can try out all your Pintrest DIY (do it yourself)! Anything goes from scrapbooking, to knitting, to art!
Conversation Circle: Tuesdays 1:30 – 3:00pm in the Hastings Room WECC. Practice your English!
Book Club: 3rd Tuesday of Each Month, 1:30 – 3:00pm, W.E.R.C. Everyone Welcome. A program in partnership with the Guelph Public Library (West End Branch).
Ban Viet: Thursdays 1:00 – 3:00pm at the W.E.R.C for Vietnamese Community Members. This program is geared to Vietnamese women. The goal of the group is to provide a social setting where people can meet and learn about different programs/services offered in Guelph. Children are welcome!
Happy Fridays: Fridays 1:00 – 3:00pm, Hastings Room WECC. Social, exercise – everyone welcome!
Coffee Hour: Wednesdays 9:30 – 11:00am, W.E.R.C. All Welcome. Drop in for coffee and conversation. Bring a project you are working on! It’s a great place to get to know your neighbours and find out what is happening in your community.
Drop In Tuesday: Tuesday’s 9:30 – 11:30 at the WECC Hastings Room. Children Welcome!
Emergency Food Cupboard: Call to Make an Appointment. W.E.R.C. If you are in need of support, please call 519-824-6340. Please bring your own bags.
Ecott Food Cupboard: Last Thursday of Each Month, 2:00 – 4:00pm. ECOTT. If you are in need of support, please call 519-824-6340. Please bring your own bags.
Family Apparel Renewed: Drop-In. W.E.R.C. Parkwood Gardens runs a Clothing Closet in our community room (Hastings Room). Drop by and have a look! Donations are always being accepted!
Garden Fresh Box: Pick-Up 3rd Wednesday of Each Month. W.E.R.C. Orders need to be in by the first Thursday of the month and pick-up is the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Large Box $20.00 Small Box $15.00. pgng96@gmail.com
Swim Tickets: Thanks to the great work by the Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coaltion, Public Health and our friends at the City, Two Rivers has swim tickets this summer! If you find taking your family to the pool is too pricey and the free swims are too busy to enjoy, come talk to the neighbourhood group and we can help to set you up!
Backpack Program: In partnership with the Salvation Army and Hope House, the neighbourhood groups are participating in the Backpack Program again this year. Two Rivers NG will be taking applications until August 5/15 (and the bags will arrive in mid-August). You can also apply directly through Hope House and set your kids up with a haircut and some back to school clothes too! Hope House is always looking for volunteers for this program as well as donations – call them directly for more information – Hope House 519-265-4299
Yoga: Every Wednesday from 7:00-8:00pm and every Thursday from 2:00-3:00pm at Tytler School (during the school year). Bring a mat or use one of ours and join us for a relaxing yoga session. All levels are welcome and no experience is needed. This free program is a great way to try something new and meet some neighbours. Please ring the top bell at the Toronto St. entrance. In partnership with the Guelph Community Health Centre
**Yoga will be cancelled at Tytler for the summer months, but watch our facebook page for outdoor yoga classes which will pop up during July and August!
Zumba: Every Monday, 7:15-8:15pm at Tytler School (during the school year) Drop in to this aerobic dance class to get your legs moving and your heart pumping. In partnership with the Guelph Community Health Centre
**Zumba will be held at the Guelph Community Health Centre (in the community room) on Thursdays from 7pm-8pm starting on July 9 until September 17!
S.M.A.R.T fitness program: Every Monday and Wednesday from 12:45-1:45pm at the Tytler School gym.
Come and join this regular fitness program for anyone over 55 years old, or with a physical disability. Exercises will be light, with chair support if required, and aimed helping Seniors Maintain Active Roles Together to experience the many health benefits of staying active as we age. This program is in partnership with the Victoria Order of Nurses, and led by a trained staff.
Garden Fresh Box: Order by the 1st Wednesday, pick up on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. $15 Small Box
$20 Large Box. The Garden Fresh Box Program is a non-profit, fresh produce buying service created to help people access affordable fresh fruits and vegetables and also to support our local farmers. Each box contains a “Fresh Ideas” Newsletter with recipes, storage tips and other useful information. To ensure the best nutritional value, the contents of the box changes from month to month depending on what is in season. Please come into the Two Rivers Office to order and pay (cash) for your box by the 1st Wednesday of each month. On the 3rd Wednesday the box is delivered to the Two Rivers Office. Pick-up time is from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Please bring your own bags to take your vegetables home in.
Knitting Circle: Every Wednesday (during the colder months) from 1pm-3pm in the community room. Supplies are provided.
Family Gym Night: Bring your family and come and enjoy some active time together in the Gym. Mondays from 6pm-7pm (November to May – Last Family Gym Night for the Summer will be on May 11, 2015)
Two Rivers Board Game Cafe: One Thursday per month (during the school year) 6pm-8:30pm – Come for food or games or BOTH! Call the office for details.
Parent Outreach Worker: Do you have children between the ages of birth to 18? Are you looking to access support in your community? The Parent Outreach Worker, based in the Two Rivers Neighbourhood Group, is available to all parents and caregivers who are living in the Two Rivers community. The goal of the Nurturing Neighbourhoods Initiative is to provide one-on-one support to families who may be experiencing challenges at home. In partnership with the Guelph Community Health Centre and the Two Rivers Neighbourhood Group – part of the Nurturing Neighbourhoods Initiative. More at http://www.tworiversng.com/parent-outreach-worker/
Food Cupboard: Our self-serve Emergency Food cupboard is available during all office hours and is stocked with many non-pershable staples and snacks. To save enough food for the next person we ask you only take a bag or two per visit. Donations always accepted.
Two Rivers Community Garden: The Two Rivers Community Garden at the corner of Huron and Manitoba is a member-organized space designed to foster creativity and leadership for all of its members. Focusing on providing personal garden plots, we engage in community garden projects, and educating members as well as the public about various organic gardening practices. More at http://www.tworiversng.com/community-garden/
More details coming soon!
After School Program: The After School Program (ASP+) engages children between the ages of 6-12 years in fun, hands-on themed activities such as art, cooking and outdoor nature. This program is located in portable #1 at Westwood PS and is open to all children in the neighbourhood.
Get Ready For School JK/SK: This 8 week program is offered in collaboration with Action Read and neighbourhood elementary schools. It is tailored for children entering JK or SK in September 2014. We will offer a basic orientation including social and learning skills development shared through family stories, songs and crafts.
Get Active 6-7-8: Get Active 6-7-8 is a free opportunity for those in grades 6, 7 & 8 to participate in a variety of organized intramural sports including; basketball, soccer, floor hockey and more! Youth are organized into small teams for intramural games and skill drills.
Red Cross Babysitting Course: A weekend course offering basic first aid and caregiving skills for youth 12–15 years old. Participants learn how to provide care to younger children in a variety of age groups, and how to prevent and respond to emergencies. Course also offers youth the training to promote themselves as a babysitter to prospective parents.
Leadership Development: Leadership Development is geared towards youth ages 15+. Participant’s are given the opportunity to socialize while strengthening communication and decision making skills. Youth are actively involved in the program planning including preparing healthy snacks, organizing activities, speakers, and excursions.
Drop In, Hang Out: A safe place where youth ages 15+ can enjoy some free social or gym time and connect with the West Willow Village staff.
The Healthy Lifestyles Program: The Healthy Lifestyles Program (HLS) is a free, drop in program for immigrant women. Workshops are offered to welcome, connect and support immigrant women through dialogue, learning and sharing on relevant topics.
Adult Zumba: Friday night Adult Zumba fitness classes designed for men and women ages 18+ Free program, please register as spaces are limited. On-site child minding is available to assist with child supervision.
Grab & Go: Grab & Go is a drop in program with various locations throughout the West Willow Village. Adults and children may come for a social time, coffee and to connect to community information and resources.
Get Ready For School JK/SK: This 8 week program is offered in collaboration with Action Read and neighbourhood elementary schools. It is tailored for families with children entering JK or SK in September 2014. We will offer a basic orientation including social and learning skills development shared through family stories, songs and crafts.