Onward Willow wins the Seedling Prize from The Oaktree Project
July 12, 2019
January 1, 2017
Every year, the Neighbourhood associations and the Social Service organizations that support them get together to say thanks and celebrate the work of creating and supporting safe, connected, and engaged neighbourhoods–but that is kind of burying the lede. Between the 14 neighbourhood groups that make up the Guelph Neighbourhood Support Coalition, the accomplishments of the past year are impressive. In 2016 alone, the GNSC welcomed a new neighbourhood group to the fold (Rickson Ridge), created a half dozen new programs for kids 0-12 through Energize Guelph, facilitated the work of 1,600 volunteers (who donated approximately 35,000 volunteer hours), and created space and events that 40,000 community members participated in. And 2017 is shaping up to be even bigger, with the implementation of a community cold storage and distribution hub called The POD and hosting a one-day conference on equity and diversity.
View the photo gallery at https://guelph.snapd.com/events/view/998986
This article was originally posted in the snapd Guelph