Onward Willow wins the Seedling Prize from The Oaktree Project
July 12, 2019
May 2, 2019
Two Rivers Neighbourhood Group needs your help to build 30 raised beds. We will need help assembling the beds and filling them with soil. We will be meeting at the Huron Street Community Garden on June 8th at 10am and Lyons Park Community Garden on May 11th at 10am. BBQ lunch will be provided to all volunteers.
Last year we learned that soil was contaminated from previous industrial uses in the neighbourhood. It’s good practice to have your soil tested before growing food. (Soil tests have an associated cost, and are not always easy to interpret.) The Two Rivers Community Garden and Lyon Park Community Garden both had soil test results indicating trace heavy metals above the Canadian Guidelines for Agricultural uses (specifically lead and zinc).
Two Rivers Neighbourhood Group is very grateful for the TD Friends grant that has made it possible for us to build these raised beds. In 2018 we discovered that the soil at both of our community gardens was slightly contaminated with lead and zinc. This grant has allowed us to keep these gardens open.